I don’t know
I don’t know about you, but I enjoy a good fairy tale. Each week, I anxiously await the Bandera Bulletin, so I can read one of the Letters to the Editor or editorial written by some Democrat. They all begin the same with, “Once upon a time” and end the same with, “and they lived happily ever after.”. in between those two statements is how much better life is under Jo Biden than ti was under Donald Trump. Personally, I’m paying a lot more of the necessities of lie, when I can find them, so I need to be reassured of how good it really is(?). For a few brief moments, I escape into fantasy land from the harsh realities of higher prices, fewer jobs, less commodities, unchecked Covid (broken campaign promise), and the possibility of us getting involved in another war in a foreign country. If you liked how Afghanistan ended, you will love dealing with Putin over the Ukraine.
So, for those of you who have drunk the Biden Kool Aid and refuse to face reality, please keep the entertainment coming. We all need it.
Enduring Under Biden,
- Charles Quinn
P.S. The only real hope is Jesus, but you probably don’t want to hear that either.