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March 02, 2022 - 05:00

Editor’s Note: This letter originally ran in the February 16 issue of the Bulletin without a name attached, although it was submitted with one. The Bulletin’s policy is to not run anonymous letters and we are rerunning the letter with the proper name in light of our mistake.

Thank you, Mike Stiborik and the community volunteers who recently picked up 110 bags of trash from our Bandera county roadsides. And thank you, Evelyn Snyder, for your letter to the editor urging county commissioners not to abandon plans for a recycling program. There is growing sentiment throughout the county that enough is enough and in this case I'm referring to Bandera's roadside trash problem. We can each do our part individually but as a focused community with spokespersons like Mike and Evelyn and a semi-truckload of volunteers and conscientious businesses and local organizations, Bandera county can conquer the roadside trash problem and make responsible recycling a reality.